Michael Schumacher Would Make Me Feel Useless And Untalented, There Was No Reason Not To Believe Him’, Says Ex-f1 Rival

MICHAEL SCHUMACHER and Damon Hill hated each other on the track but it was a different story away from the paddock.


They went head-to-head for the title three years in a row in the nineties, with their first contest the most thrilling.

In 1994 the pair were both battling for their first championship and Schumacher, 55, came out on top in dramatic circumstances in the last race of the season.

They were neck and neck in Australia and as Hill attempted an overtake he collided with Schumacher, sending the German flying into the air.

Both drivers were unable to complete the race with Schumacher winning the championship by a point.

That added fuel to the fire of their rivalry, despite Hill admitting they got on well off the track.

He told BILD: “Michael and I actually got on well, but on the track we hated each other.

“It was and is not possible to be any other way if you want to become Formula 1 world champion. There was no room for niceties.

“You have to exploit every weakness of your opponent and wear him down with it.

“Michael was a master of psychological games. He made me feel like I was useless and untalented. And he told the press that too.

“Because he won a lot of races back then, there was no reason not to believe him.”

Hill, 64, went on to win the championship in 1996, while Schumacher finished his career with seven titles to his name.

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