Lewis Hamilton Reveals What Drastically Changed In The Last Week After British Gp Win

Lewis Hamilton ended an almost-three-year winless streak by emerging victorious in the 2024 British GP two weeks ago. An emotional Hamilton spoke about how much the win meant to him in the aftermath. Plus, a lot of things have changed since he crossed the chequered flag two weeks ago.


After Hamilton lost out on his eighth Title in 2021, Mercedes entered a slump and he couldn’t fight for wins for two whole seasons. It led to him doubting his abilities, and he seemingly lost all hope, which likely contributed to his decision to leave Mercedes at the end of the season.

However, after the British GP, Hamilton said (as per Motorsport Week), I definitely would say my body language and energy has definitely felt a shift in the past week.”

“I guess it just ultimately shows that anything is possible,” he added. “You just need to keep pushing, keep going. There’s going to be turbulence up ahead, I’m sure. But also the possibility of good days.”

With George Russell beating him in 2022 and Hamilton complaining about how his car’s setup is different from his teammate’s, speculation of Hamilton’s motivation and desire to succeed at Mercedes crept in.

It wasn’t easy, but the mentality that made Hamilton a seven-time World Champion ultimately helped him stand on the top step of the podium once again.

Hamilton thought his slump would be never-ending
After dealing with hopelessness for over two years, the future finally looks bright for Hamilton again. He leaves Mercedes at the end of the season for a new challenge, but there was a time when the slump took a huge toll on his mental health.

“There’s been days where I’ve not been able to get out of bed. There were days where, literally yeah, I didn’t think it would ever happen again and that it might be the end”, Hamilton revealed.

Thankfully for the Stevenage-born driver, Mercedes found the problem that was plaguing its performance, and now, with back-to-back wins, the Brackley-based outfit is back on top. Before his tenure with the Silver Arrows ends after 12 more races, Hamilton will be hoping to get a few more wins under his belt.

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