LAST HOUR: The Kardashian Family Loses Over 3 Million Followers, Taylor Swift Loses 5 Million Followers Overnight After Elon Musk Asked To Block And Boycott.

In a shocking move, the Kardashian family and Taylor Swift lost millions of followers on social media platforms overnight. Recently, Elon Musk called on the online community to suspend and boycott the accounts of these two famous figures, causing a major disruption in entertainment and social media.

According to reports, the Kardashian family lost more than 3 million followers, while Taylor Swift saw a massive loss of up to 5 million. It is said that this move is part of a campaign in which Elon Musk urged the public to protest against the significant influence of these celebrities on online platforms.

This event has not only drawn attention from fans but also caught the interest of media analysts. Many are questioning the impact of social media account control and the influence of powerful figures like Musk on the public. While some agree with this action, arguing that it helps minimize celebrity manipulation on social media, many others criticize it as excessive interference with individual freedom.

Currently, the reaction from the entire Kardashian family and Taylor Swift has not been announced. However, this move will undoubtedly spark many controversies and discussions about power and control over social media platforms in the future.

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