California, USA– A shocking statement from CEO Elon Musk has made the Tesla investor community shook. In an unexpected statement at an internal meeting, Musk frankly admitted:“We are destroying, Tesla cannot survive if the situation continues like this.”

What is the problem with Tesla?
Although unknown the specific context of the above statement, experts think that Tesla is facing a series of big challenges:
Sales decreased: The demand for electric cars shows signs of slowdown while competitors from China like BYD are increasing pressure.
Financial pressure: Tesla stock price has experienced strong fluctuations, and recent financial statements show that the company’s profit is not as tall as before.
Production problem: Some internal sources reveal that the production line in Gigafactory is having problems, causing many orders to be delayed.
Investor bewildered, stock plummeted
Immediately after the news of Musk’s statement was leaked, Tesla shares dropped sharply in the overtime trading session. Many investors began to panic, concerned that this could be a sign of a serious crisis inside Tesla.
Some rumors spread that Musk may be considering selling a part of her shares or even Tesla is facing the risk of bankruptcy. However, there has not been any official confirmation from the company.
Is Musk creating a strategy or is this really ‘alarm bell’?
Elon Musk is famous for its shocking statements, but often used them as a way to stimulate changes or attract the attention of the media. Some experts believe that this may be just a trick to promote Tesla to reform or to clear the way for an important notice.
In any case, this time the statement certainly made the whole world watch each of Tesla’s next move. Is this really the end of the electric car giant, or just a turning point in the company’s journey?