
Dr. Zalce Unveils New Evidence in Peru’s “Alien Mummies” Mystery
The so-called “alien mummies” discovered near Peru’s Nazca Lines have long been dismissed as a hoax by skeptics and much of the scientific community. A 2024 study claimed to debunk the phenomenon, asserting that these peculiar specimens were nothing more than “dolls” crafted from animal bones and modern glue. However, researchers like Dr. José Zalce, a respected forensic scientist and former head of Mexico’s Naval Health Bureau, are pushing back with fresh evidence, reigniting the debate over their authenticity. Far from conceding defeat, Dr. Zalce and his team argue that these mummies are organic, real, and potentially revolutionary.

Since their discovery in 2017 and a controversial unveiling at Mexico’s Congress in 2023 by UFO researcher Jaime Maussan, the mummies—small, oddly shaped figures with three-fingered hands and elongated skulls—have polarized opinions. Maussan’s claim that they were extraterrestrial, backed by alleged unidentifiable DNA, was met with skepticism, not least because of his reputation as a sensationalist. Yet, Dr. Zalce, a credentialed scientist, has spent years analyzing 21 of these mummies, unearthed during Peruvian excavations. Speaking to the Daily Mail, he insists they are “100% biological entities,” citing fingerprints, bone wear, teeth, muscles, and internal organs as proof of their organic nature.

One of Dr. Zalce’s most striking claims is that a female mummy, dubbed “Monserrat,” was pregnant at the time of death and mummification. Recent scans appear to reveal an intact fetus inside her, a detail he argues is “impossible to fake or fraudulently replicate.” Estimated to be 1,200 to 1,600 years old, Monserrat’s remains—analyzed via X-rays, 3D CT scans, DNA testing, and tissue sampling—display a mix of human-like traits and anomalies, such as three-fingered limbs and an elongated skull without signs of artificial cranial deformation. Peruvian journalist Jois Mantilla, who has worked closely with Zalce’s team, calls the three-fingered fetus “one of the strongest pieces of evidence” supporting their authenticity.

The 2024 debunking study, led by Peruvian forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada, concluded that the mummies were fabricated from animal bones and synthetic adhesives, ruling out any extraterrestrial or anomalous origins. Estrada dismissed them as “completely false,” asserting they were not pre-Hispanic artifacts. However, Dr. Zalce counters this narrative with rigorous scientific testing, including fluorescence scans and forensic fingerprinting. He highlights unique anatomical differences—such as the absence of manipulation in the bone structure—and genetic variances from human DNA, bolstered by the discovery of metallic implants. These implants, found embedded in the mummies’ bodies, consist of a rare alloy including copper, cadmium, osmium, aluminum, gold, and over 95% pure silver—materials and purity levels uncommon in nature.

Mantilla suggests these mummies could represent an unknown human species, pointing to their blend of familiar and alien-like features. A separate May 2024 study on a mummy named “Maria” found similar biological parallels to humans alongside significant morphological differences, lending credence to this theory. Yet, skeptics remain unmoved, with Estrada and others standing firm in their hoax verdict.

Dr. Zalce’s team isn’t claiming these are extraterrestrials but insists they are extraordinary—possibly an undescribed species or evidence of something beyond current understanding. Their findings challenge the scientific consensus, and they are now seeking collaboration with Peru’s Ministry of Culture for further genetic and forensic tests. “There’s so much we don’t know about these three-fingered specimens,” Mantilla notes, advocating for advanced testing unavailable in Peru to settle the matter definitively.

As the debate rages on, the Peru mummies remain a lightning rod for curiosity and controversy. Are they elaborate fakes, as skeptics assert, or a groundbreaking discovery awaiting recognition? For now, Dr. Zalce’s evidence—backed by science and persistence—keeps the mystery alive, urging the world to look closer at these enigmatic relics from Peru’s ancient past.


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