**Breaking News: No longer a rumor, Xisca Perelló – wife of famous tennis player Rafael Nadal, officially confirms the current status of their marriage, leaving fans shocked and sparking strong debates.**

On March 2, 2025, a shocking rumor spread like wildfire across social media, particularly on X, leaving tennis fans stunned: Xisca Perelló, the wife of renowned tennis star Rafael Nadal, was said to have secretly finalized a divorce from him after uncovering a scandalous affair involving Nadal and a mysterious fitness trainer. The rumor quickly gained traction, becoming a focal point of attention despite lacking any official confirmation from either party.

According to unverifiable sources, the relationship between Nadal and Xisca—long regarded as an ideal couple—had reportedly crumbled months earlier when Xisca stumbled upon suspicious messages on her husband’s phone. The rumor further claimed that Nadal had been involved in an extramarital affair with an Italian fitness trainer who had worked with him during his recent injury recovery. The story took a dramatic turn as some X users alleged they had “spotted” Nadal and this woman dining together at an upscale restaurant in Rome not long ago.Tennis great Rafael Nadal marries | Senior

Posts on X rapidly amplified the rumor. One account stated: “Nadal cheated on Xisca with his trainer—I have photo evidence but won’t share it for ethical reasons!” Another comment fanned the flames: “Xisca has left Mallorca and moved to Barcelona with another man as revenge.” These sensational details, though baseless, split the online community into two camps: one fiercely criticizing Nadal, and the other dismissing the claims as unfounded smear tactics targeting the Spanish tennis icon.

However, no concrete evidence has surfaced to support these allegations. Rafael Nadal, known for his discretion regarding his personal life, has yet to respond, while Xisca Perelló has shown no indication of addressing any such issue publicly. Loyal Nadal fans swiftly debunked the rumor, arguing it was a fabrication born from imagination and exaggeration by rumor-mongers.Rafa Nadal and Xisca Perelló, Prepared for the Big News: 'we'll Give More  Details Later'

Though proven to be a false narrative, this rumor still sent shockwaves through the public, sparking endless debates. The truth behind Nadal and Xisca’s marriage remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: their fame is potent enough to turn any rumor into a blazing headline in an instant.

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