Elon Musk Fiercely Responds After Robert De Niro Teams Up with The View to Insult Him Live on Air: “Go away, you weird awakened kid.”

Recently, Elon Musk publicly clashed with legendary actor Robert De Niro after De Niro appeared on The View and made critical remarks targeting the billionaire.

The controversy erupted when Robert De Niro—known for his strong opinions and unfiltered criticism of public figures—joined a conversation on The View. During the discussion, he did not hold back his frustration with Musk, calling him a “weird awakened kid” and telling him to “go away.”

These remarks did not go unnoticed. Shortly after, Elon Musk fired back, refusing to stay silent. Expressing his frustration, Musk condemned how De Niro and The View used television as a platform for personal attacks. He argued that De Niro’s comments were hasty, biased, and failed to accurately represent who he truly is.

The clash between high-profile figures from the tech and entertainment industries has drawn significant public attention. However, this incident raises broader questions about the limits of free speech and how influential personalities should express their opinions. With both sides standing firm, this controversy is far from over, and a resolution seems unlikely anytime soon.


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